SC Evo Complete Extension 1.13.2 patch notes

SC Evo Complete Extension 1.13.2 patch notes


SC Evo Complete Extension Update 1.13.2

This minor update contains balance changes and a few bug fixes.

Balance Changes

Please note: All time values are provided in Normal Speed [Faster Speed]


  • Increased Lockdown energy cost: 75 -> 100
  • Decreased Ocular Implants research cost: 100/100 -> 50/50

Despite repeated nerfs to Lockdown, the Ghost has remained a polarizingly strong unit. We think that the duration and range of Lockdown are now in a good place, so we are proceeding with reverting the energy cost of Lockdown to its original value of 100.

Infested Terran

  • Decreased build time: 33 -> 19 [23.6 -> 13.6]
  • Decreased cost: 100/50 -> 75/25
  • Decreased damage: 375 -> 307.5
    • Damage vs. Armored: 500 -> 410

Although Infested Terrans are strong when they are able to come into play, rarely can they be produced in meaningful numbers.

Thanks to a recent update, the Queen is now able to infest StarCraft II Terran Command Centers, Orbital Commands, and Planetary Fortresses, but in practice, Queens often do not have this choice, as they do not come into play until the Terran has established three bases. The main, natural, and triangle third are centralized and difficult to break, so the ideal targets for Infest Command Center tend to be the Terran’s outlying bases. Unfortuantely, these are often Planetary Fortresses, so not only are they difficult to assault, but once they are infested, they are incapable of lifting off and retreating to safety.

To compensate for the inability of the Infested Planetary Fortress to retreat and the investment required to defend it, we are making the Infested Terran cheaper and faster to produce. In exchange, the damage output of the Infested Terran will be reduced. Although it still one-shots large enemy targets such as Thors and Colossi, the difference is meaningful in some scenarios, such as when deploying them against StarCraft II Terran production and tech structures. Infested Terrans will be able to destroy the Engineering Bay and Barracks in only 3 attacks, but will need 4 in order to destroy tankier structures, such as the Factory, Starport, Ghost Academy, and Command Center.

  • Decreased Robotics Facility build time: 65 -> 55 [46.4 -> 39.3]
  • Increased Robotics Support Bay build time: 30 -> 40 [21.4 -> 28.6]

BW Protoss players often suffer from a lack of scouting information. To supplement previous changes to alleviate this, we are decreasing some of the build time on the Robotics Facility and moving it to the Robotics Support Bay. This allows for the faster production of the Observatory, allowing BW Protoss players to match the Observer scout timings of their StarCraft II counterparts without hastening access to Reaver production.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Adjusted the radius in which the Factory can spawn produced units: 2 -> 3
  • Reaver weapon now starts its cooldown upon firing the Scarab, instead of waiting for the Scarab to explode or dud
  • Reaver no longer automatically acquires and targets enemy units during unloading stun
    • Manual target fire command can still be issued to the Reaver, but it will not begin turning towards the target until unloading stun wears off
    • Reaver can still turn during unloading stun, if issued a move command
  • Fixed an issue where Reaver weapon cooldown was increased when unloading

SC Evo Complete Extension Update 1.13.1

This minor update contains a few new animations and models:

  • Added new Reaver unit model

  • Added new Protoss building model (it’s a surprise!)
  • Updated Firebat animations
  • Updated Marine portrait textures

SC Evo Complete Extension Update 1.13

Hello to all SC: Evo Complete fans,

This update concludes the 1.13 PTR cycle and brings forth a fresh set of balance changes in time for the 8th installment of the StarCraft Evolution League. Many thanks to the players and casters who joined us for the SC: Evo Complete PTR 1.13 showmatch, and congratulations to QuanTa for his victory over threepoint in the finals!

Before we proceed with the changes, we once again would like thank our generous sponsors to enabling our work here. If you would like to support us, you can give us a one-time donation on PayPal or a recurring contribution on Patreon:

New Map: Vermeer

Our first new map port of 2025! Vermeer is a relatively straightforward 4-spawn map. Mind the central hills as the game progresses, as they will be key to lategame engagements, especially with the recently-implemented high-ground miss-chance.

A new skin inspired by Starcraft Remastered has been added for the BroodWar Terran: The Korhal Command Center, said to be an artisanal piece built by the Dominion’s finest engineers made out of real gold.

This new skin can be found by clicking this button to open the skins menu.

Balance Changes

Please note: All time values are provided in Normal Speed [Faster Speed]. Normal values provided are exact; Faster values are approximate.

  • Increased Engineering Bay build time: 30 -> 40 [21.4 -> 28.6]

Previously, the Engineering Bay had its build time reduced as a way to hasten access to Missile Turrets as a response to SC2 Protoss Stargate openers. The need for this has passed, as BW Terran players have demonstrated ways to survive the early game without this change. Moreover, the Engineering Bay’s build time being even faster than that of its SC2 counterpart, as well as its ability to Lift Off and scout the opponent’s base after it is done being used to block an expansion, make it an incredibly cost-effective option in the early game. We are increasing its build time to reflect this.

  • Increased Barracks build time: 67 -> 70 [47.9 -> 50.0]
  • Increased Stimpack research time: 75 -> 85 [53.6 -> 60.7]

SC2 Zerg players currently face a dilemma against BW Terran. As Stimpack timings have become more optimized in this matchup, BW Terran players have devised methods to deny virtually all scouting information to the opponent, killing the first Overlord on-sight and shutting Zerglings out with Barracks-Depot full walls at the natural. Due to this, it is nigh-impossible for SC2 Zerg players to verify the true number of Barracks built or check the timing of the natural Command Center. This is concerning, since BW Terran is capable of both exorbitant greed and fast, heavy pressure, the latter of which cannot be reliably defended against without blindly morping Spine Crawlers or Roaches.

In order to mitigate the strength of Stimpack timing openers, we are increasing the time required to build the Barracks and research Stimpack. These should help permit more margin for error in earlygame Overlord movements and preparing defenses for the initial wave of Marines.

  • Increased Comsat Station HP: 500 -> 550
  • Decreased Machine Shop HP: 750 -> 550
  • Increased Control Tower HP: 500 -> 550
  • Decreased Physics Lab HP: 600 -> 550
  • Decreased Covert Ops HP: 750 -> 550
  • Decreased Nuclear Silo HP: 600 -> 550

These changes serve to further standardize the stats of Terran add-ons, as well as reduce their overall HP-to-cost ratio to more reasonable levels and increase opportunities to interact with Terran production.


  • Decreased HP: 65 -> 60

Due to their HP, Medics are often seen tanking Corrosive Biles in engagements against Roach-Ravager armies. By design, Biles are supposed to force the opponent to dodge, but the Medic is able to survive one hit without dodging. Therefore, we are reducing its HP to force Terran players to control their Medics more carefully.

Siege Tank

  • Decreased Tank Mode attack period: 2.212 -> 1.7875 [1.58 -> 1.28]

This change helps to make the currently underwhelming strength of the Brood War Siege Tank’s Tank Mode weapon proportionate to that of the StarCraft II Siege Tank.


  • Increased anti-ground weapon attack period: 1.3125 -> 1.425 [0.94 -> 1.02]

In spite of repeated adjustments its anti-ground weapon, the Goliath remains an overwhelmingly strong generalist. As we still believe its anti-air capabilities are in a good spot, we are proceeding with further nerfs to its anti-ground attack period.


  • Increased deceleration: 1.0625 → 1.375 [1.49 → 1.93]

This change will help a Dropship issued a simple Drop command to arrive at its destination slightly faster by delaying the time at which it automatically begins to slow.

Note: We do not plan to substantially increase the acceleration of the Dropship in future patches. The Dropship is, and always has been, a more committal tool by design. It is not a Medivac, and is not intended to be able to quickly rotate between bases or retrieve stranded forces at the sight of enemy defenses.


  • Decreased build time: 90 -> 80 [64.3 -> 57.1]

Although we think the Battlecruiser’s combat capabilities are well-tuned, it is still difficult for Terran to find opportunities to transition into it. We hope to remedy this with a slight build time reduction.

Sunken Colony

  • Increased build time: 18 -> 20 [12.9 -> 14.3]

Lately, Sunken Colony rushes have been quite prevalent in the Brood War Zerg vs StarCraft II Zerg matchup. Moreover, due to its build time, rushes involving the Sunken Colony lie on a wide spectrum, from simple macro pressures to outright all-ins, making its use somewhat unpredictable. Although we do not think defending successfully against these builds is too difficult, we would like to incentivize more opening variety from BW Zerg players.

As early interactions in the BW Zerg vs SC2 Zerg matchup are very sensitive to a couple seconds of build time, we believe this change is enough to achieve our intended effect. A couple seconds of increased build time should not affect the Sunken Colony’s utility in other matchups and scenarios.

Note: The build time was nerfed to 21 seconds [15.0 seconds] during the 1.13 PTR, but this nerf has been reduced for the live version to ensure the Sunken Colony remains an effective response to Baneling busts and cannon rushes, which are also highly time-sensitive interactions in the earlygame.


  • Consume now requires research at the Defiler Mound to be unlocked
    • Research cost: 100/100
    • Research time: 80 seconds [57.1 seconds]

This change continues our efforts to bring the BW races more in-line with their original versions. In particular, this change will help to mitigate BW Zerg’s tempo advantage entering the lategame by delaying the timing at which Dark Swarm and Plague become plentiful.


  • Increased HP: 250 -> 275
  • Decreased armor: 3 -> 2
  • Decreased attack period: 6.25 -> 5.8125 [4.46 -> 4.15]
  • Increased attack range: 6 -> 7
  • Adjusted Acid Spores attack speed reduction to match Brood War behavior. Now increases weapon cooldown linearly instead of exponentially. (Core)
    • Old Formula: NewCooldown = BaseCooldown x [(8/7) ^ AcidSporesLevel]
    • New Formula: NewCooldown = BaseCooldown x [1 + ({1/8} x AcidSporesLevel)]

As with the Defiler, these changes continue our efforts to capture the original identity of the Brood War races. The attack period and Acid Spores changes more closely aligns the Devourer with its Brood War incarnation. The remaining changes re-emphasize its role as a hit-and-run support unit. The reduction in armor back to its original value makes it more vulnerable to basic anti-air attacks once more and discourages its prolonged use in battle. To more precisely fine-tune its survivability and compensate for the lost armor, we are increasing its HP slightly, and the increase to its range will better help it maintain a safe distance when applying Acid Spores. In particular, an HP of 275 will allow it to barely survive two uses of the StarCraft II Ghost’s Steady Targeting.


  • Increased anti-ground weapon attack range: 4 -> 5

One of the historical hindrances to widespread adoption of Scout play is the ineffectiveness of its anti-ground weapon. This change makes it easier to use by making its range consistent with that of the Wraith.


  • Decreased build time: 90 -> 80 [64.3 -> 57.1]

Although we think the Carrier’s combat capabilities are well-tuned, it is still difficult for Protoss to find opportunities to transition into it. We hope to remedy this with a slight build time reduction.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Spider Mines detonating near other Spider Mines will now survive their outer splash damage which deals ~19.5 damage (125 * 0.625 * 0.25), instead of being force killed.
  • Medics can no longer heal targets inside transports. (Legacy Only)
  • Dark Archons Mind Control now drains all energy from the target if it is another Dark Archon.
  • Queen’s Ensnare now negates movement speed upgrades and buffs matching BW behaviour.
  • Fixed an issue with Interceptors being slowed down near their host Carrier even if they were attacking.
  • Fixed an issue with the Devourer’s Acid Spores not affecting beam weapon cooldowns. (Oracle, Sentry, Void Ray)
  • Fixed Vulture weapon cooldown not getting affected by attack speed debuffs.
  • Fixed Simple Command Card game setting preventing the use of some abilities on units.
  • Fixed Guardian having incorrect attack priority: 0 -> 20
  • Fixed Nydus Canal not being able to be cancelled when morphed by a Drone.
  • Fixed Nydus Canal not clearing Reaver Scarab targeting when unit travelled through it.
  • Fixed Dark Archon Mind Control visuals being visible through cloak.
  • Fixed Infested Planetary Fortresses having incorrect armor value: 3 -> 2
  • Fixed Medics being able to heal targets in Dropships during Stasis.