Today we celebrate the release of the SC Evo Crossover Edition mod, this mod is a much more in-depth update of the old SC1 vs SC2 Extension mod including some new units, abilities and upgrades as well as a much better balanced AI.
We want to start this new post on our new site by publishing the patchnotes for our upcoming Update 1.0 to the Crossover Edition as well as thank everyone who has made this project possible and all the love and passion we’ve seen from the Korean community that inspire this update.
Coming in this update we’re including the Reaver rework thanks to SardineS for allowing us to use his data and upgrade, you can find him at his Twitch or Youtube channel. Without further ado below are the update notes as well as some comments from the dev team on how or why some changes were made.
For this update we have finished the Korean Translation featuring:
Fully Translated Text
Korean Voices
Korean Portrait Animations
For starters we’ve made several adjustments to the game balance of all three races to have a much more even fighting chance against their sc2 counterparts as well as removed several features that are exclusive to the legacy and campaign versions of the game.
Removed bonus damage vs Shields from Explosive and Concussive Weapons
Reworked Damage bonuses across most SC1 Units, Explosive and Concussive weapons now gain +1 damage to armored/light for each weapon upgrade (Damage bonuses from upgrades have been adjusted accordingly)
Reworked SC1 Unit Attributes
Adjusted Several Interactions between SC1 and SC2 Spells
Adjusted attack periods of most SC1 Units
These changes are aimed at making the weapons across both races compatible allowing the sc2 damage bonuses to work on sc1 units and vice versa.
Adjusted all Armor and Weapon Upgrade times to comply with the newest balance patch
Adjusted all Vespene Collector costs to comply with the newest balance patch
From the feedback we received on the terran sc1 vs sc2 balance some of the comments pointed out at the lack of a way to improve the unit production speed, while we do not yet have a solution we’re exploring a couple options and if you have a suggestion feel free to drop it in the Discord.
AI is temporarily disabled
The AI has not yet been tuned due to several balance changes we’ve made as well as the AI being noticeably weaker than its sc2 counterpart. The builds are currently being adjusted and will be coming in the next major patch.
Added New Unit: The Stinger (Cost: 125/50, Requires Machine Shop)
Added New Unit Upgrade: Helios Tracer Rounds (Researched at Machine shop, requires Armory)
Stinger Model
Base StingerHelios Tracer Rounds Upgraded
The New Stinger unit is meant to help out Terran players with a response to the Cyclone, the Stinger can be built at the Factory and requires an attached Machine shop and is equipped with two weapons, a Gatling gun able to deal 8 damage (+8 vs Mechanical) and a Grenade Launcher that can only target buildings for 20 Damage, the Stinger can also be upgraded with the *Helios Tracer Rounds* allowing it to target enemies while moving.
We cannot wait for players to get their hands on the Stinger and try out new strategies, we’re open to any possible changes to this new Unit and we’d like to show our commitment and flexibility to add new things or make some changes.
Added Dropship Emergency Thrusters Upgrade at the Control Tower
Added Dropship Emergency Thrusters Ability
Dropship using Emergency Thrusters
The new upgrade for the Dropship works in a similar way as the sc2 medivac but requires a previous research at the Control tower for 100 minerals and 100 vespene, allowing the Dropship to receive a temporary boost to leave sticky situations or make for quick drop-ins.
Added the Ability for Bunkers to be Salvaged
Combined the Terran Vehicle and Starship Armor Upgrades into Terran Mech Plating
Increased Battlecruiser Health from 500 -> 550
Increased Battlecruiser Speed from 1.406 -> 1.875
Increased Dropship Health from 150 -> 165
Increased Dropship Acceleration from 1.06 -> 1.5
Reduced Command Center Cost from 400 Minerals -> 350
Reduced Factory Cost from 200 Minerals -> 150
Increased Ghost Damage from 5 (10 vs Light) -> 8 (16 vs Light)
Increased Ghost Speed from 2.25 -> 2.5
Increased Marine Sight range from 8 -> 9
Reduced Marine Weapon Attack period from 0.9375 -> 0.8608
Reduced the SCV Health from 60 -> 45
Reduced Firebat Attack Period from 1.375 -> 1.25
Reduced Firebat cost from 75 Minerals -> 50 Minerals
Reduced Firebat and Marine Stimpack life cost 10 -> 5
Increased the Siege Tank Supply Cost from 2 -> 3 and Vespene Cost 100 -> 125
Increased Siege Tank Sieged Weapon Range from 12 -> 13
Reduced Siege Tank Weapon Attack period from 2.3125 -> 2.05
Reduced Goliath Air Weapon Attack Period from 1.5 -> 1.25
Reduced Goliath Ground Weapon Attack Period from 1.375 -> 1.22
Reduced Missile Turret Weapon Attack period from 0.9375 -> 0.8608
Reduced Valkyrie Weapon Attack period from 4 -> 3.7631
Reduced Wraith Air Weapon Attack period from 1.375 -> 1.25
Reduced range Vulture can deploy spider mines from 3 -> 1
Spider Mines no longer collides with ‘Hover’ attributed units
Increased Spider Mine model size slightly
Similarly with the other races the Protoss also suffer from a reduced production speed mostly due to the existence of Warp Gates for the sc2 Protoss, to that end we’ve added a new Upgrade to Gateways for the Mid-Late Game, we’d like some more feedback on the current Upgrade Requirements.
Added Gateway Resonant Matrix Upgrade at the Citadel of Adun
Added Gateway Resonant Matrix Passive Ability
Resonant Matrix Producing two Units
This new upgrade is meant to address an issue with the late game unit production for the protoss, it can be researched at the Citadel of Adun for 200 Minerals and 200 Vespne, requires the Arbiter Tribunal and allows Gateways to produce two units at the same time.
Reworked Reaver based on SardineS Reaver Mod
Now uses SC1 mechanics with pathable scarab
Base damage adjusted from 100 -> 60 (+20 bonus to shields)
Reaver now gains weapon upgrades, gaining 6 base damage per upgrade
Reaver Scarab Damage upgrade now gives +40 dmg vs armored
Added new upgrade ‘Imbued Lenses’, increases Reavers range by 2
Added the Ability for Observers to Morph into Surveillance Mode
Observer using Surveillance Mode
Observers entering Surveilance Mode gain a much larger vision range at the cost of losing the ability to move until they’re turned back to Observer mode.
Added a Weapon to the High Templar
Added a Weapon to the Dark Archon
Although Dark Archons and High Templars do not usually have weapons, one has been added with very low damage to help them from walking straight into the enemy.
Reduced Nexus Costs from 400 Minerals -> 350
Reduced Dragoon base Damage from 15 -> 14
Increased Dark Templar Damage from 40 -> 45
Reduced Dark Templar attack period from 1.875 -> 1.694
Increased Zealot & Dark Templar weapon slop range 1.0 -> 1.3686
Reduced Zealot Weapon Attack period from 1.375 -> 1.3686
Dark Archon Feedback can no longer target structures or friendly targets
Dark Archon Mind Control can no longer target Frenzied units
Reduced Dark Archon Feedback Damage per energy from 1 -> 0.5
Increased High Templar Speed from 1.875 -> 2.0156
Increased High Templar Acceleration from 1.6875 -> 2.5
Increased the Shuttle Speed from 2.4882 -> 2.5507
Reduced the Arbiter Attack Period from 2.8125 -> 2.5312
Units hit by Arbiter Stasis can no longer be moved by allied units.
Reduced Photon Cannon Weapon Attack period from 1.375 -> 1.25
Increased Photon Cannon shields and life from 100 -> 150
Reduced Pylon shields and life from 300 -> 250
Adjusted Shield Battery range and recharge rates to match SC2 Battery
Hallucinations can no longer be instantly killed by various SC1 spells
The biggest problem that we’ve identified with the Zerg as of yet has been a reduced production speed when compared to SC2 due to queens, to that end we’ve made some changes to the larvae. While this is not the only issue with the Zerg race, we’d like to gather additional feedback to make future adjustments.
Replaced Queen Ensnare with Ensnaring Creep Ability
Queen using the new Ensnare Creep Effect
Queens have received a modified ability replacing Ensnare, this Ability variant launches a mix of creep and the classic green goo to slow down enemies as well as create a Creep patch around the target aream this ability has a lot of potential and it could be used as part of a Nydus Proxy.
Increased Max Larva count for Lair from 3 -> 5
Increased Max Larva count for Hive from 3 -> 7
Decreased the Hatchery, Lair and Hive delay between larva spawns from 12 -> 10
Lair Holding 5 Larvae
Hive Holding 7 Larvae
To help Zerg player unit production we’re reducing the spawn delay for all Zerg town buildings as well as increasing the max amount of Larvae that can be idle at each building.
Reduced Hatchery Costs from 300 Minerals -> 250
Increased morph time of Lair 60 -> 80
Increased morph time of Hive 60 -> 100
Reduced Spore Colony morph time from 21 -> 16
Overlords are no longer Detectors by Default
Overlords now Require Antennae Upgrade to become Detectors
Increased Overlord Speed upgrade research time 43 -> 60
Reduced the Overlord Speed from 0.9375 -> 0.6445
Reduced the Overlord Acceleration from 1.6875 -> 1.0625
Queen’s Parasite now has a duration of 168 seconds.
Increased ‘Spawn Broodling’ research time 60 -> 140.
Reduced Hydralisk supply cost from 2 -> 1
Reduced Hydralisk Weapon Attack Period from 0.9375 -> 0.8437
Reduced Hydralisk range upgrade research time 100 -> 79
Reduced Hydralisk speed upgrade research time 100 -> 90
Reduced Ultralisk Weapon Attack period from 0.9375 -> 0.8437
Reduced Ultralisk model size to match SC2 Ultra
Reduced Mutalisk Vespene Costs from 100 -> 75
Reduced Mutalisk Weapon Attack period from 1.875 -> 1.5246
Reduced Devourer Morph mineral cost from 150 -> 100
Increased Devourer Supply Cost from 2 -> 3
Increased Guardian Speed from 1.406 -> 2.25
Reduced Guardian Weapon Attack Period from 1.875 -> 1.5
Increased the Guardian Weapon Range from 8 -> 10
Increased Guardian Supply Cost from 2 -> 4
Adjusted incorrect Scourge cost values from 24 Minerals -> 25 and 74 Vespene -> 75
Dark Swarm now reduces ranged damage by 90% and ranged spell damage by 55%
Zerg units now unburrow correctly when lifted by Phoenixes
Queens Ensnare and Defiler Plague abilities no longer reveal targets in the fog of war.
Added Ability data for Emergency Thrusters
Added Ability data for Ensnaring Creep
Added Upgrade data for Resonant Matrix
Added Upgrade data for Helios Tracer Rounds
Added Unit data for the Stinger
Added visual effect for Ultralisk speed Upgrage
Added data for combined Mech Plating Upgrades
Added the Ability for Changelings to morph into SC1 Races
Minor Data additions required for Crossover Update
The Discord Button on the Game Menu now has a delay before it becomes active once you hover over it
Adjusted Defiler spell animations
Adjusted Medic’s Blind impact visual
Adjusted Arbiter missile and impact visuals
Adjusted Overlord speed being too high by default
Adjusted Shuttle model to be easier to click and select
Adjusted Observers model size to be bigger
Dark Archon Feedback can no longer target structures
Burrow and Unburrow Ability now share placement in the Command Card to match sc2
Burrow and Unburrow Commands are now able to be sent to other units currently selected
Default Burrow hotkeys have been adjusted to match sc2
Fixed Archon not dealing splash damage properly in Dark Swarm
Fixed missing text style errors
Fixed the missing Radius indicator for Scanner Sweep
Fixed issue where morph visual would remain after canceling Lair or Hive morphing
Fixed bug causing SCV’s to gain weapon upgrades
Fixed issue on some Observatory death model not playing correctly
Fixed Fleet Beacon death model changing size
Removed Warp Prism reference from Shuttles
Removed several unused text keys
Updated a previously erroneous larva spawn value to 19.8